Benefits of Buying Your Food Locally

Benefits of Buying Your Food Locally

Posted by Kale Seguin on 25th Mar 2023

Eating local produce has been gaining in popularity in recent years, and for good reason. Not only does it provide us with higher quality, fresher food, but it also benefits the local economy and environment. In this post, we'll explore the benefits of eating local produce and how it can have a positive impact on our community.

Brass Bison Meats Bison

Keep Your Money Local

One of the primary benefits of eating local produce is that it supports farmers and helps keep money in the local economy. By purchasing food that is produced locally, we are investing in our community rather than supporting foreign owned big-box stores.

Farming is typically a labour of love and most operations need the financial support of an off farm income. It is very common for farmers to have a full time job in addition to all the work required to farm. In order for an operation to be truly sustainable, it must be sustainable on all fronts, including economical. It is nearly impossible for smaller farming operations to compete with big-box stores in terms of pricing because smaller operations are not as industrialized. Paying a small premium for produce that is locally grown can help ensure continuous food production in your area. By supporting these smaller, local operations you are also choosing to support a more sustainable form of farming. Meat products in big-box stores are typically sourced from factory farms, and the prices are indicative of that. Paying a couple more dollars a pound for meat, can mean the difference between an animal living its life out on concrete, or open pasture. When you shop at your local farmer's market or buy directly from a farm, you have the opportunity to learn about the food you are purchasing and the people who grow it. At Brass Bison Meats we are not just a company, but rather a family that is caring for the land and utilizing it to produce high quality bison products to feed our community.

Higher Quality and Fresher Produce

Another significant benefit of eating local produce is that it is often of higher quality and fresher than food that is shipped long distances. Locally grown produce is harvested at peak quality. This means that it retains more of its nutrients and flavor, resulting in a better tasting and more nutritious product. In contrast, fruits, vegetables and meat that are shipped long distances must be frozen or unnaturally preserved. This can result in produce that is less flavorful, less nutritious and contains unnecessary additives. When we eat local produce, we can be confident that we are getting the best possible product.

Bison on Open Pasture

Support Local Farmers That Are Environmentally Conscious

Eating local produce also has significant environmental benefits. The transportation of food is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, and by eating locally, we can reduce the carbon footprint of our food. When we purchase food that is grown locally, we can choose to support more sustainable farming practices and reduce the need for long-distance transportation.

Buying locally allows you to develop a relationship with farmers. At Brass Bison Meats we believe in complete transparency which ensures you that the food you are feeding yourself and your family was raised ethically and sustainably. Large-scale farming operations typically utilize more industrial agricultural practices that help create a cheaper product but are not always the most sustainable methods. These operations typically need to use large amounts of antibiotics, growth hormones and pesticides to reach the level of productivity required to sell their meat at such a low price. Because we are a smaller operation we are able to treat our animals as an individual rather than a number. This more focused style of animal husbandry allows us not to use antibiotics or growth hormones and ensures our animals a high quality of life. Brass Bison Meats is very focused on longevity and we strive to care for our soil, water, and air, to promote a healthier ecosystem for ourselves and future generations.

Owner Kale Seguin

In conclusion, eating local produce provides a multitude of benefits for our community, our health, and the environment. By supporting our local farmers, we can help to create a more sustainable and resilient food system, while also enjoying the benefits of fresher and higher quality produce.

If you live in Edmonton Alberta or in the area and are looking to incorporate more local produce into your diet, check out our bison products that come straight from our farm: Show Now. Not only will you be supporting your local community, but you'll also be getting the highest quality meat for you and your family.